Saturday, August 20, 2011

My First Blog

This will be a compilation of comments on my YouTube channel and my answers to them. I hope you find them interesting. 

  On the "nipple" of religion: YouTuber Razua77, commenting on my video on Noah's Ark said:

The excuses are terrible...Noah's Ark is a fable created by the ancient society that somehow (as laughable as it is) is still believed today by those that refuse to get off the nipple of religion.

My answer was:

I like that..."the nipple of religion." That's even better than "opiate of the people." And it makes more sense. Not everybody wants to be drugged out of their minds, but most would love to get back to that safe place on Mommy's breast where they didn't have to think. Mommy's nipple provided food, and Mommy even cleaned up your pooped-in diapers. How easy could you have it? Religion doesn't feed you or clean up your poop, but it does relieve you of having to think.

On sin And Repentance: (A YouTuber warns me that I'd better stop all that sinning, which he thinks I love). YouTuber Search4Truth wrote:

God destroyed the whole world once for its wickedness, save Noah and family. And one day he will destroy you too for wallowing in your ignorance and arrogance. The profound wisdom of the Bible is not available to those who love their sin as you do. It is foolishness to them because they are dead in their sins. Just like the Bible says. You can make up as many excuses as you like, out of your ignorance and arrogance. You will still die in your sins and be condemned if you don't repent.

My reply:

You don't know anything about me, and yet you feel qualified to say I love my sin. You call yourself Search4Truth, but you aren't really searching for anything. You think you already have the truth, so there's no reason for you to search. You will never learn anything at all. Search4truth continues:

You are no mystery foolish man. Godless men have two things in common; their contempt for righteousness and consequently, their love for their sin. But if would learn anything, let it be this, that Christians become so in part because they are willing to admit they know nothing, and that God knows everything. So they submit to the all powerful, all knowing, all wise, God of all creation. But your arrogance precludes you from this. So you will remain a slave to your sin and condemned by God.

Me: You are so smug and self-righteous. ALL godless men are contemptuous of righteousness? You mean YOUR righteousness? Do you really think people who don't believe as you do are all evil? What an ignorant and pitiful little person you are. 

On Holy Books: The arcane nature of holy books has a single purpose. That is to provide a source of power and wealth to the priestly class that interprets them. If any god actually existed his/her/its relationship with humans, if it wanted one, would be direct, individual and unambiguous. There would be no need for intercessors and interpreters. There would be no religious wars.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

"All I say is by way of discourse, and nothing by way of advice. I should not speak so boldly if it were my due to be believed." -- Montaigne